"papiers peints"
collection dans la marge / cahier n°12
size : 22 x 17 cm
softcover, stapled
36 color pages
limited edition : 1000 copies
arts factory [ éditions ] - 2011
The Dans la marge project - published by the Arts Factory gallery - is a collection of school notebooks customized by contemporary artists featuring : Daniel Johnston, Isabelle Boinot, Julien Langendorff,
Jochen Gerner, Tom de Pékin, Natali, Moolinex, Jim Avignon, Nine Antico, Hervé di Rosa,
Blexbolex and Sophie Dutertre.
Sophie Dutertre was born in 1965, she lives and works in Pornic (France). Discovering the woodcut technique after her studies at the Arts Décoratifs school of Paris, she finally found her artistic language, creating falsely naïve images both popular, subtle and tender. Working as an international press illustrator for Le Monde, Libération, Beaux-Arts, Dada, The National Post, The New York Times ... Sophie’s universe also caught the attention of many art directors who have published her expressionist etchings. Let's name among her books Le Théâtre de Guignol, Les Exploits de Bombilla or Images du Monde et de son Envers at Seuil Jeunesse Publishings, Le Brassens at Mango Publishings, Le Crime and La Ferme at Les 4 Mers Publishings ...
The latest issues of the indie comics magazine Lapin (L'association) released in 2009 reveals her drawings, a practice in which Sophie turns back today, leaving temporarily her engraved woods.
photo credit : d.r.