la superette [ illustrator agency ]
set of 20 postcards
limited edition : 700 copies
size : 10 x 15 cm
arts factory [ éditions ] - 2012
This limited edition was published by the illsutrator agency La Superette in january 2012.
There is 20 different postcards in this set by : Nine Antico, Atsuko Ishii, Jim Avignon,
Martes Bathori, Blanquet, Isabelle Boinot, Nathalie Choux, Véronique Dorey, Thierry Guitard,
Emmanuelle Houdart, Stéphane Kiehl, Killoffer, Camille Lavaud, Jean Lecointre, Natali,
Pierre La Police, Rocco, Sammy Stein, Tom de Pékin and Amandine Urruty.