artist monogragh
size : 17 x 24 cm
square back binding, softcover
48 color pages
published by éditions cornélius - 2014
This book was published for the "Femmes entre ailes & Hommes
entre oeufs" exhibition, presented in 2014 by the Arts Factory gallery in Paris.
Atypical artist from the contemporary graphic scene, Jean Lecointre is a true surgeon of digital collage. As a student of Roman Cieslewicz, he draws his inspiration from dissecting old fashion magazines, photo-novels and news press to deliver strange pictures, evoking both David Lynch’s world in the "Eraserhead" years and Luis Buñuel’s unsettling associations.
Since 1995, Jean Lecointre has published his first illustrations until he collaborated with Pierre La Police (scenario) to put into pictures the iconic series "La Balançoire de Plasma", lately republished by Cornélius. Many graphic experiments followed including "L’hygiène" (Les 4 mers ) and "L’épopée Plastique" (ORBE Publishings), two pieces of work which would provide two major exhibitions organized by the Arts Factory Gallery in 2000 and 2004.
In the meantime, Jean Lecointre also turned to animation with "Turkish Delights", a series he co-directed with Franck Secka and Fabien Caux-Lahalle, broadcast on the French TV Channel Canal +, which shows unlikely characters, genetically modified, half-human, half-pastries, in fake trailers. His body of work also includes many advertising spots (Match, Oasis, France Culture…).
photo credits : jean lecointre